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  • May 5 - Intent to Show Form due for Market Beef
  • May 5 - Intent to Show Form due for Horse Exhibitors
  • July 7 - Intent to Show Form due for Market Sheep, Swine, Goat, Poultry and Rabbit
  • July TBA - Tags will be distributed to leaders
  • Aug 1 - RV Camping Permits available in the Madera Fair office. Price - $200
  • Aug 4 - ALL Livestock Entries due
  • Sept 16 - Auction Checks available in office
  • Oct 6 - First round of Bump Bid Checks
  • Nov 3 - Second round of Bump Bid Checks


Junior Livestock Auction - Welcome Buyers

The Junior Livestock Auction is a wonderful way to support the future of livestock and agriculture. We welcome you to attend and support, Saturday, September 6th at 12:00pm in the Stoetzl Pavilion at Madera District Fair. Please take a look at our Buyer Brochure on how to participate as a buyer and for general details. Buyer Check-In opens at approximately 10:30am with an luncheon at 11am for Buyers only. We'd be happy to answer any inquiries you might have or even drop a brochure and invite in the mail if you give our office a call. 559-674-8511

VIEW the 2025 Sale Catalog below to add BUMP BIDS! We have bump bid cards in office and would be happy to take your bump bids at the counter.

REQUIRED information for bump bid:
  • BUYER (you) NAME
  • LOT Number, found in sale catalog below
  • Price per lb. OR flat amount
  • BUYER phone number
  • BUYER mailing address
Mail a check made payable to Madera District Fair to the address:
Madera District Fair
1850 W. Cleveland Ave.
Madera, CA. 93637

Madera District Fair Auction Boosters

The Madera District Fair Auction Boosters are excited to announce that in their inaugural year, they have given just shy of $10,000 in bump bids to 2024 Madera Fair Junior Livestock Auction Exhibitors! Thank you to everyone who supported this first season of our organization. We look forward to raising more in the coming year for the 2025 Madera District Fair Junior Livestock Auction. Save the date for the inaugural dinner auction event on March 22, 2025. Keep up with MDF Auction Boosters by following their page: MDF Auction Boosters Facebook!


Our Livestock Award Sponsorship program: seize the opportunity to become a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum Sponsor for one or multiple species that you wish to support. Additionally, there are a limited number of buckle sponsorships available.

Over the years, we have had individual sponsors listed for each award given to livestock exhibitors. With the growth of our shows, this has become a monumental task to manage. In addition, it creates a bit of last-minute stress if there are any divisions split, added, or removed after entries are completed. Also, the costs of ribbons, banners, and physical awards fluctuate each year and tend to go up at a higher rate than the award sponsorship revenue! The fair strives to obtain quality awards and a variety of awards for our exhibitors; this new program will make it easier for us to do this while giving you as the sponsor appropriate recognition! We also want you to be rest assured that sponsors will still receive a thank you from exhibitors. We have a couple of special plans in store to make that happen!

As a sponsor, your name or company will be prominently displayed in the livestock area and announced during shows and awards ceremonies. Your recognition will also extend to next year's handbook. If you would like to make a sponsorship in memorial of someone, that information can also be included in your sponsorship form, and will be displayed with your or your company's name. Join us in supporting exhibitors' projects and acknowledging their dedication at the Madera District Fair Junior Livestock Show!


BRONZE: $100
SILVER: $250
GOLD: $500
*email us if you would like to contribute an alternate amount to our general award pool!



2024 Livestock Market Animal Intent to Show and Sell

All Livestock Market Exhibitors and Horse Exhibitors must submit an intent to show form for the 2024 Junior Livestock Show and Auction and Horse-Gymkhana Show at Madera District Fair. The form will require photos of the animal including: a head shot with ear tag, full right side of body, full left side of body, rear of animal and one image of exhibitor with animal for a total of (5) images, along with a copy of a Bill of Sale or Brand Inspection. There will be no pre-weigh events, tags will be released following Intent to Show deadlines. A separate entry form will be required by the entry due date: August 5th 2024 along with any required ethics and drug statements.

2024 Horse Exhibitor Intent to Show

New for 2024, Horse Show and Gymkhana Event Exhibitors must submit an Intent to Show form. The form must be submitted by the ownership/tagging deadlines indicated in the 2024 Madera District Fair Exhibitor Handbook by May 6th 2024 | 120 consecutive days for ownership. **This form is NOT an entry and acceptance of this form does not guarantee the right to show to any exhibitor. A separate entry form will be required by the entry due date: August 5th 2024 along with any required ethics and drug statements.


Livestock Auction checks will be available September 17th 2024 for pick-up in the Madera Fair Office, 1850 W. Cleveland Ave. during office hours 8am-4:30pm. Parents/Guradians of an exhibitor OR the exhibitor may pick-up checks. Exhibitor may provide written consent for a non parent/guardian to pick-up on their behalf.
BUMP BIDS checks are available the 5th of each month. A list including the buyer and bump bidders will be provided with the initial auction check.
If you believe you have an unclaimed check from 2023 or prior, please call our office to confirm, we will prepare a re-issued check


In order to participate in a youth livestock program (excluding horse, cavies & dogs) at any California Fair, all exhibitors 9 years of age and older must obtain annual certification in the Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) program or a comparable fair run program approved by the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Fairs and Expositions Branch. Those not certified through a youth education certification program on the issues of animal welfare, food safety and character education are not eligible to participate at a California Fair. Madera Fair has opted to require Mini Member exhibitors younger than 9 to take the YQCA training as well.


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